How NETFIT Tours changed my life…

This may sound cliche, but NETFIT tours truely changed my life and now it can change yours too.

Before tour, I always liked to think I was confident, but looking back, I can recognise and now admit that I was not confident in myself, my abilities and ultimately was just not able to believe in what I was capable of.

I think as humans, it’s natural to stick to our comfort zone. Myself, I love sticking to a schedule and habits, because I know that’s what I am comfortable with. But ultimately, our best adventures and experiences come from outside our comfort zones and taking risks.

Taking that first step and applying was beyond scary. As someone who does get anxious over things, submitting an application for LA 2017 caused me all sorts of what if questions that filled me with worry. What if I didn’t get chosen?, What if they didn’t like me?, what if I am not good enough? But now I reflect and think what would have happened if I didn’t apply? Would I still be sickened with worry and doubt, would I still be lost about what life has to offer and more importantly, would I have the friends and experiences I have now? Probably not!

You hear past travellers say, it was life changing, amazing and a once in a lifetime experience, but until you experience it you never really do understand. Within 10 days, I had this newfound confidence, I had these lifelong friends and ultimately, I learnt that staying in your comfort zone can stop you from experiencing what the world has to offer.

I no longer live in fear, I choose courage, I know that hard times make us stronger people, and I know that at no point in time should I doubt myself, my confidence or my abilities because I know that I am proud of who I am and what I stand for.

NETFIT tours challenged me mentally, emotionally and physically. I completed tasks I never imagined I thought I would, I overcame fears and challenges, because my mindset was challenged to change. Was it the fact I was in a country on the other side of the world with people that I was only just meeting? 100%, but it taught me that living in fear just leads to missing out on what beautiful adventures can be had. I know it’s scary stepping out of your comfort zone, but sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith.

The very first day, the first moment, I was told to believe in the process, the people around me and most importantly myself. I was also reminded to never give up, you never know when your opportunity to shine will come. These mottos I still live by to this day, 7 years later. I still reminisce, I still get a sparkle in my eye when I talk about it.

It’s daunting taking a leap of faith, but the chance to travel, learn from some of the greatest mentors and netballers on the planet and upskill the game we love playing, all while meeting beautiful, like-minded people outweighs the risks.

Now sitting here writing this, I have had the opportunity to grow. NETFIT allows me to be confident, to lead from the heart and to be a role model for every single young girl who has a dream. I now live life fearlessly, because I remember I once was that girl that took a risk, and because of that is now living her best life and making her dreams a reality. Again it’s cliche, but you have to take very opportunity with two hands because you never know where it can lead you!

Don’t let fear make you miss out on this life changing opportunity because as I mentioned earlier, NETFIT Tours truely changed my life and now it can change yours too!

By Madi Goldspink
