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Date reviewed: 25th January 2022
NETFIT Netball encourages all workers, where possible, to work from the safety of their own homes.
NETFIT Netball advises staff that when attending worksites, schools, sporting clubs or events that all staff must ensure safe physical distancing, of at least 1.5 metres from one another and any visitors, students, athlete’s or guests. Before the commencement of any classes the lead instructor and on-site COVID-safe Officer will advise all class attendees to ensure safe physical distancing requirements are adhered to throughout the class and at the time of exiting the site.
NETFIT Netball shall ensure that at each location they attend they shall display signs showing attendees the appropriate entry and exit points, unless that worksite has already confirmed that they have clearly marked and defined signs that meet that sites own COVID-Safe plans and processes.
Where required, and particular to each location, NETFIT Netball staff shall be prepared to clearly mark out physical distances of at least 1.5 metres from one child to another within the class, or for that child and their parent while waiting in the Entry & Safe sign-in line.
NETFIT Netball is committed to ensuring that the density quotation of exercising in outdoor areas is not breached when conducting a class to ensure safe management of it’s participants.
NETFIT Netball ensures that no more than one worker shall occupy a four square meter area of enclosed workspace.
NETFIT Netball and it’s staff ensure that there is no more than one member of the public per four square meters of publicly available space indoors and that no more than 50 people attend an outdoor NETFIT Netball class, with attendees at both indoor and outdoor classes to ensure that they adhere to the safe physical distancing requirements.
NETFIT Netball advises staff not to carpool to work locations, requiring each staff member (unless they are from the same household) to arrive at the worksite in separate vehicles.
NETFIT Netball requires all staff to ensure that they are wearing up-to-date, clean and adequate Face Coverings and any additional Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) required by any worksite that they attend and in-line with their policy. NETFIT Netball shall provide additional Face Coverings for staff and any attendees to their classes who have broken or damaged their own Face Coverings & PPE to ensure the safety of staff and all other attendees.
NETFIT Netball advises that all staff using cloth masks that they should be wash that mask each day after use. However, if during the day the mask is visibly dirty or wet, their mask needs to be washed immediately and replaced with a disposable mask which NETFIT Netball shall provide.
NETFIT Netball staff must, at the time of signing in to work, sanitise their hands with disinfectant and also wipe-down and spray any equipment that they are bringing on to the work site with disinfectant.
NETFIT Netball staff, when dealing with separate groups at separate times, must ensure that they re-sanitise their hands and equipment in the break prior to the next class commencing.
NETFIT Netball staff must start each class with freshly sanitised equipment and at the conclusion of each class completely sanitise all equipment, and the area that the class was held using disinfectant wipes and sprays.
Where there is a changeover of groups, NETFIT Netball shall use separate pieces of equipment that are likely to receive contact from any children in the first group, ie: resistance bands, balls, etc.
Once all equipment has been removed from the class location it is to be freshly sanitised at it’s storage location.
All attendees will be advised of the locations where they are able to sanitise before, during and after the class, with santisiation a requirement of both entry and exit to and from the class.
Attendees are advised not to high-5, unnecessarily make contact with and enter into the personal space of another attendee, always adhering to the physical distancing requirements.
Attendees are advised that they are unable to share personal possessions (ie: water bottle etc) and equipment with other attendees or NETFIT Netball staff.
NETFIT Netball, prior to the commencement of employment and also regularly through communications and conversations advise that any staff who feel unwell, or have come in close contact with someone who doesn’t feel well that they should stay at home, even if they or the person that they came in contact with only have mild symptoms of illness. NETFIT Netball advise staff that they should immediately seek medical attention to be tested for COVID if they are feeling unwell, or have come in close contact with someone who doesn’t feel well.
NETFIT Netball advise staff that they should immediately seek medical attention to be tested for COVID if they are feeling unwell, or have come in close contact with someone who doesn’t feel well. Staff are advised not to attend the workplace until they have received their test results.
NETFIT Netball shall notify staff members that a fellow staff member is being tested for COVID and not to physically meet, or engage with that person until they have received their test results. If the staff member, who just prior to feeling unwell or showing symptoms of COVID, physically attended a worksite of NETFIT Netball then NETFIT Netball will notify that worksite, provide them with a list of participants who attended the class and ask that the worksite makes other workers or site attendees aware of the fact that someone was unwell, or showing symptoms of COVID and is awaiting test results.
NETFIT Netball, who keep a register of attendees to their classes, shall contact all attendees and advise them that a staff member is feeling unwell, or showing symptoms of COVID and is awaiting test results and advise them to monitor their own health and get tested for COVID.
In all instances NETFIT Netball shall immediately advise all staff, worksites and work site attendees of the results of the COVID test of the subject staff member as soon as those results are made aware. NETFIT Netball shall also report these results to DHHS and Worksafe.
Should DHHS and/or WorkSafe advise, NETFIT Netball shall immediately suspend its physical and on-site working activities until given clearance by DHHW and/or WorkSafe. NETFIT Netball shall advise staff to work from home throughout that period, or temporarily stand staff down throughout this period (in line with relevant legislation).
NETFIT Netball have up to date registers for staff attending worksites, managed by a centralised diary system and a separate register confirming the name, contact details, time of arrival and recorded temperature at the time of arrival of all attendees to their classes.
NETFIT Netball has a Safety Area in place at all their classes to ensure that anyone who temperature is irregular, or for anyone who is feeling unwell, is asked to immediately move to and safely distance from any other person already situated in the Safety Area. The NETFIT Netball COVID Officer shall, while wearing the appropriate PPE, record the temperature of the person who previously recorded an irregular temperature after 5 minutes and following the results of that temperature check (by way of a thermal head scanner provided to the NETFIT Netball COVID Officer by NETFIT Netball) ask that the attendee be taken home by their parent or guardian or taken directly to hospital or their doctor to receive a COVID test. Anyone who is feeling unwell shall need to be collected by their parent or guardian and asked to go home.
NETFIT Netball sends out a Pre-Class Information Email to all attendees advising them of the Class requirements regarding attendance times, sign-in, entry and sanitisation requirements, personal equipment to bring (and that they are unable to share equipment) and also a pre-class COVID check advising that any attendee who is feeling unwell, or showing symptoms of COVID or who anyone in the previous 14 days has come in to contact with someone who has COVID or is awaiting the results of a COVID test that they are unable to attend the class and to advise NETFIT Netball.
Adhering to the 1.5m physical distancing requirements NETFIT Netball encourages staff and attendees to respect each other’s “safe space” and to ensure that all entry and exit points, safety areas, workout areas and physical classes are safely distanced and avoid attendee congestion.
Attendee’s to NETFIT Netball’s classes are asked to position their drink bottles, asthma puffas and any food that they have brought themselves at stations that are safely distanced from other attendees so that they can access their personal possessions safely from one another.
NETFIT Netball adhere to latest Government advice and the worksite or location’s chosen COVID Safety Plans and advice to ensure that processes and protocols are respected and implemented regarding entry and exit of the worksite or location, sanitisation requirements and physical distancing requirements of courts and workout areas.
NETFIT Netball has asked that all staff work from home where not required to complete, or attend to physical working locations. Where NETFIT Netball staff are required to physically attend worksites or organised classes they shall arrive at the worksite in separate vehicles and ensure that they adhere to physical distancing requirements (1.5m apart) with other NETFIT Netball staff and outside contractors.
NETFIT Netball staff and contractors are asked to stagger their arrival times should they be working across separate time shifts at the same location to ensure that unnecessary contact and crossover of personnel does not occur.
NETFIT Netball also ensures that it’s staff and contractors are limited to particular work contracts, or contract “hubs” to ensure that there is no crossover between worksites of various NETFIT Netball staff and contractors, aiming to contain any COVID or general illness outbreaks should they occur at any particular worksite or personally through any staff member or contractor.
Attendees to NETFIT Netball classes, where multiple classes are being held at the same location on the same day, are organised to arrive at staggered times to ensure that unnecessary contact and crossover of attendees does not occur. Throughout that crossover time, NETFIT Netball staff shall ensure that any areas where crossover of attendees shall occur is fully sanitised with used, or disposable, equipment being replaced with fresh and clean equipment.
NETFIT Netball staff movements are recorded in the internal online NETFIT Calendar System that allows for contact tracing of all staff members through their work contracts.
Attendees to all NETFIT Netball Clinics are required to register using their full names, ages and pre-existing medical conditions as well as the names of their parent or guardian and best contact number and email. The details of these attendees are also made available to any worksite or location that we are conducting classes at to ensure that the worksite or location are able to align their records to ensure that contact tracing relating to any COVID outbreaks are managed effectively and immediately.
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