Hi guys, Sarah here! Welcome to the NETFIT bubble.
Are you ready to join me on a journey to become your fittest, strongest, and most confident self?
This pre-season program was crafted with an incredible team to offer you the most effective, well-rounded training to level up your game.
A little about me—I’ve spent 12 years playing at the elite level, pushing through injuries, setbacks, and the highs and lows of selection. Those experiences shaped my mindset: failure is just a step toward success, and every opportunity deserves my full heart and energy. Gratitude has always been at the core of what I do, and I never want to take a single day for granted.
After going through two ACL reconstructions, I embraced my rehab like a “fitness challenge.” It taught me that, just like a tree, the real strength lies in the roots—deep, grounded, and resilient. That mindset has carried me through the toughest moments. My daily routine keeps me grounded, reminding me to have fun, breathe through the challenges, and be present with my beautiful daughter and my team.
This challenge is my way of going back to those early years, rediscovering what my body is capable of, and now I’m inviting YOU to experience that same transformation. Every step, every session, I’ll be right there with you.
Let’s do this, NETFITTERS! Together, we’ll take it one session at a time, and I know you’ll amaze yourself with what you can achieve.
Love Sarah x