Laura Langmans World Champion Secrets
1. Personal Challenge
I am always on the hunt for a personal challenge each year that is outside netball. Whether it is taking up another code or entering an adventure race with friends this is always a feature in my year. This is something that scares me but also I am looking forward to.
2. Impossible Dream
Some people get discouraged when people use the word ”impossible” but I like to use to it as it gives me a visual that there is no ceiling and no limit to anyone’s dream and what we can do. I write my impossible dream in the front of my diary, so I catch a glimpse of them every time I open it. It is incredible how much progress you make towards them and as you get closer, you reflect on how far that felt initially and now you are moving the target again -It’s the best feeling! When jotting down my impossible dream I start with imagine if I could…. they are numbers you feel at the time are impossible to nail… but you just wait and see how close you get…. it’s the best journey.
For example:
Strength & Conditioning
- Muscle Ups 10 unbroken- I remember when I could only do one with bands and now I can do 3 unbroken with no assistance
- Handstand walk 10m unbroken- I couldn’t even do a handstand now on a good day I can do 3m….. I’m coming from you 10m
- Yoyo Fitness test: Level 20.3
Moments of Spark (MOS) – Relate to on court skills/ targets
- Intercept around the circle edge and off the centre pass,
- Behind the back feed into circle
- Create something out of nothing with screens/ directing play
Life – Imagine if I could do….. all day every day…. I would love to open a Pilates Studio. I am a huge believer that movement provides opportunity doesn’t matter how much or how fast in.
3. Green Box
These are the most minute actions I must do daily to set myself up for the best possible day.
If I don’t do them, the wheels don’t fall off the wagon but it is just a great awareness tool I use to when reflecting, when I think I’ve had a bad day or feeling flat.
Some of my Green Box moments:
- Make my bed (how simple!)
- Lunch and snacks packed (This is a biggie for me)
- Movement/training sorted for the day (I make sure I have my ASIC netball shoes) to get the most out of the session and to look after my buddies (feet)
- Work weekly planner
4. Reflection
My diary is hugely helpful for this. To paint a picture my diary is A4 size and shows the whole month.
Each day has a square I will often write the intention for the day/week in the top half and in the bottom half I write what was actually achieved for the day.
It is amazing how reflection can give a picture of how your day/week/month/year has gone.
If you have nailed it, give yourself a pat on the back, if you haven’t quite finished what was intended, it’s ok! Dust yourself off and roll your sleeves up and try again.